
Guess what I'm Doing?

So its about midnight Saturday Jan 6th and Im about to start Hour 4, look for a spoilerific podcast soon... and oh yeh.... WOW just WOW


Anonymous said...

Me too. :-)

Anonymous said...

where joe?

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on guys, don't ruin it for yourself!!! Just wait:)

Anonymous said...

hey Joe trust me now.

Anonymous said...

HOW DID YOU GET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

u should just wait the 6 1/2 days dont be a chud like joe.

Anonymous said...

u should just wait the 6 1/2 days dont be a chud like joe.

Anonymous said...

Canibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller - get wit de program!

Okay fuckers, mild spoiler time.





Episode 6x02

Perhaps the best Jack Bauer Subway action ever - and I ain't talking about the fast food. However, both do end in gastrous explosions.

Episode 6x03

Jack runs up to a car, tosses the driver to the ground, tells him not to get up then drives off. Awesome soundtrack to this scene which is fucking funny to me.

Episode 6x04

10 minutes under the ending, perhaps the most emotional moments in Jack's life, a decision I'm sad he had to make. You WILL cry dammit!!

Anonymous said...


Have I told you how much I love you?

Anonymous said...

was i right about big curt

John said...

Okay Joe, just out of curiosity, how did you manage to get your hands on the first four episode DVD even though it's not going to be released until Jan. 16th???

Anonymous said...

me too but not from DVD and EP5 too

Andrew Rivlin said...

shit i was not prepared for what happens in the first 4 episodes.

Anonymous said...

u will be lead to belive graham is jacks brother but he is not.

Anonymous said...

Joe--- I've got the Larry King interview posted on my podcast. Commercial free and spoiler free... because that's how I roll... :)

hope to catch you on IM soon!

Anonymous said...

Phillip Bauer will first appear in episode six.

Anonymous said...

Rick Schroeder will begin his stint on 24 in ep 13 which is a really cool episode.