
Win a piece of the REAL CTU Wall from The 24 Podcast

We Provide Our Take of Hour 9 - 4pm-5pm Don’t Miss Out on Our Contests! The CTU Wall Contest and Swayze Giftaways! - One Week Left!

Listen to Our Free MP3

Hour 8

Hour 9

We continue our double-duty show review podcast action both here at The 24Podcast, as well as The TERMINATOR Podcast! Our contests continue to run and collect great numbers of entrants and we hope that you’ll take just a moment to register! Simply follow our Twitter Feed and send us feedback about any of our podcasts and let us know that you’re interested in being a WINNER! We’ll be taking on entries until the 27th of February, 2009! Enjoy this weeks episode and send us what you think about the 24 Podcast, only from 2GuysTalking.


Only a week left! Don't miss out!

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