
Session 21.5... not for the faint at heart...

This session is very explicit, I apologize but it had to be done.. there are spoilers at the very end, with a lot ranting and pissing and moaning before that.. some cool music... (ignore the little glitch at the end) and heres the picture that's all the rage at the 24 insiders message board.. and no i will not link there!! heres where the orginal comes from... LINKY


Anonymous said...

All of those 24 insiders can $#%& %! @!$&! How ridiculous are they. You're the loser? They are taking getting spoilers for a fictional TV show so seriously that they are trying to defame you of all people. It's outrageous. Awesome podcast by the way.

k.barrick said...

Calling Tom Cruise gay wouldn't be a lie.

God's. Honest. Truth.

Andrew Rivlin said...

These people are ridiculus. Hah, let them have their fun, but in reality the 16 year olds will grow up at some point.

Sorry you have to deal with all this Roy, I mean Joe ;)

Anonymous said...

What a peculiar podcast.

You didn't cite Czar in an attempt to keep the credit for yourself. Czar has been spot-on with every single spoiler he has posted this season, and you've hijacked the spoilers word for fucking word. It's laughable, really.

To suggest that you don't need to cite the information because you're "not a journalist" is ridiculous. Writing lesson #1 from middle school, high school, college is that you cite any ideas or information that isn't your original thought. The admins on the 24insider give credit EVERY TIME they post, and one of the rules on the board is that we can't ask Czar where he gets his info. We want his spoilers, and if we ask him where he gets the info, then he'll leave. We'd be SOL, and let's face it, so would you.

You know perfectly well why you were banned. You were copying and re-broadcasting the spoilers without giving credit. Don't even fucking deny it or lie about it. You weren't crediting anyone and you didn't have a deal with Amy or any of the admins about not giving credit where credit is due. You never posted a link to our site. You're a hack. You do these podcasts simply to hear yourself talk... and to potentially impress others with the super-duper secret information that you hijack from insiders. I'm sorry that you have to resort to having other board members send you the info, but trust me when I say that if they're discovered, they will also be banned.

You can drop the act. You are pathetic and you are a fraud. The same can be said about your other source, Raided Suey. He was trying to pass himself off as credible, he was found out and now he's gone.

Cole said...

LOL its funny to see how people try to have power because they cant control anything else so there trying to virtuly powerful over others by online intimdation jeez people its not life or death its just a tv show but a damn good one so dont try to make it more than that, BTW great podcast lookin forward to your pop cultrure one comin up 2 ;) hopefully all whiners and power hungry losers will realize to get a life!

Anonymous said...

again annon chickens... hey if this keeps up, i'll start making 10 bucks a month not just nine!!!

Anonymous said...

What happened to the secret spoilers you were going to reveal at the end??? Oh wait, CZAR didn't post any!!!!

Anonymous said...

secret spoiler? I read the spoiler... am i missing something? I would ask you, but your annon...

Andrew Rivlin said...

Hey anon man. Why do you give a flying fuck? If Joe is a loser, hack, fatass, pixey eating child molester, why do you give a shit. Generally when someone does something I don't like I ask them to stop nicely, then I IGNORE them, it is especially easy on the web... No one forces you to listen to the podcast.

Instead of berating Joe for stealing info (By the way, the internet is meant for sharing info) and I have never heard of HAVING to cite sources. We aren't in school, and he isn't professionally publishing so go call the Internet Police, and see if they care.

By the way, do you hear that?

Yea it is the whammmmbulance.

k.barrick said...

Intellectual copyright.

Have it?

Then shut up.

Mike Wilkerson - 2GuysTalking said...

I'm livin' in a coo-coo clock!

Where are these awesome message boards so that I can reference their etiquette and need to use anonymouse names in a variety of places on the web?



Anonymous said...

Hey enjoying the podcasts! Dont let the other people on the insider board rag on you. Its ridiuclous that some guy takes this shit so seriously. Some guy who doesnt even post with a real name but some random word czar wants credit for everything in the world. Prolly lives in his parents basement, I never saw him credit anyone when he posts stuff on the insider board. What a childish punk. Keep up the good work cant wait to hear some more spoilers this week