
Thanks to Mike!!, and Cisco.. Finale CLIP!!!

Mike who only watches occasionally sent me this link... great ad for Cisco... cool clip for us of the FINALE!!! (click the picture for the clip) Stay tuned!! Spoilers are getting more difficult, but I'll do my best!!! theres also some clips at Fox heres what going on at the 'source'


Anonymous said...

Since you'll steal them anyways, here they are. Spoilers for 5-6am, now cite this as taken from the 24MB and cite Tanker for this, you thief!

IN THE SUBMARINE, Bierko and his men flush out the nerve gas in the submarine and begin to upload the targets for Bierko’s missile strike.

AT CTU, it’s up to Jack and Henderson to avert the crisis.

IN THE SUBMARINE, Rooney lived through the nerve gas attack. Jack tells Rooney that he needs to unlock a hatch to let Jack and Henderson in. Rooney needs to kill the guard at the entry point. Jack coaches him on how to kill quickly and quietly.

Henderson asks Jack for a gun, Jack reluctantly agrees.

PORT OF LOS ANGELES, Jack and Henderson sneak in through the open hatch. There’s a big shootout. Henderson makes his way towards the missile area. Jack goes on to look for Bierko, he finds him and gets him in a headlock and he breaks his neck.

The missiles are just about ready to launch but Henderson disables all of them. Henderson then makes a run for it out of the sub. Jack chases him.

ON TOP OF THE SUBMARINE, Henderson sneaks up on Jack and he has him at gunpoint with the gun that Jack gave him.

Henderson pulls the trigger but nothing happens. Jack gave him an empty clip.

Jack fires his gun. Henderson is dead.

BACK AT THE PORT OF LOS ANGELES, LAPD shows up. Jack gets in one of the cop cars and heads for Logan’s retreat. Jack tells Chloe he needs a specific bug device. Chloe knows someone who knows how to use it, her ex-husband Wilson.

AT THE RETREAT, Logan speaks with Graham and tells him that Henderson and Bierko are dead and he says that Jack will be taken care of. Logan is going to make a speech over Palmer’s casket before its flown back to Washington to lie in state.

Martha speaks with Novick, shows him Aaron Pierce, and tells Mike everything.

Jack calls and tells them he is coming for Logan, he needs their help to get Logan alone. Novick asks how far is Jack willing to go. Jack replies As far as I have to.
Source: Felsted at www.24spoilers.tvheaven.com

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon- no one wants you here..if your not interested in the podcast just leave.

Why don't you man up and post with your real name?

Anonymous said...


well since its there.. and if you seen the CZAR clues hidden on THIS site, do you think Henderson REALLY dies? Or is this part of 'doing it right' as Henderson stated before with regards to disappearing.

thats just a thought.... MY THOUGHT.. i can have those without being accused of stealling cant i?

Anonymous said...

Its actually tankers source that should be cited. Not tanker.

Anonymous said...

well i would inform that person.. but again.. annon...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting our group photo. I'm the third duck down in the middle. :)

If you hated the way the spoilers were delivered (puzzles and clues) then why are you using the same format in your links? I'm surprised you copied the same format. I used to enjoy the podcast, but now this is getting ridiculous to see this hatred every time I come here!

I may not agree on the method that was used to make people aware of where your major spoilers are coming from. But it seems to have worked and it looks like your still upset people found out. It seems you are biting the hand that feeds you. All this is making you look like a disrespectful idiot to use the spoilers and then joke about where you got them. I don't care what happened to cause the falling out between the two of you. I'm here to be entertained. I'm tired of the flaming from both sides and the immature attitude. If your trying to loose listeners instead of gaining them your doing a good job. I thought you had a good professional sounding podcast when you started out, now I'm just disgusted with this whole thing. I hear enough bickering between my children. I belong to the message boards and I come here because I like 24 and to escape, not to see more bickering!

Anonymous said...

number 1, hiding links is not what i was talking about the 1 time, i said i hate the way these spoilers are coming in... i was talking abou the order i was getting them from the boards...

number 2, mu listenership is still going up, i'm glad you listened, i hop eyou continue too..

number 3, i was never 'caught'... CZAR simply got upset, and I was kicked off...

..and its still going on over there... a member named jack_attack was kicked off because CZAR called him a mole, this was last week, and as you can see I am still getting the spoilers... so you can see it wasnt him... if you isten to my latest podcast you will see, that i have no bitternes, i am sourcing them multiple times (because now they want me too), and I stopped reading the spoilers myself, becuase i know as much as I want to know now... I want an element of suprise when I watch tomorrow.

the little blurb i wrote on top of the spoilers I hid, is a bit angry... i wont get into specfics, but I have been harrassed in the REAL WORLD, on my HOMEFRONT, because CZAR ordered people to 'FUCK WITH ME".. i think his words were...

'i want people to fuck with this guy... and please consume and dispose of this message cause I can get banned for it'...

now if the 24 IB are going to ban me without reason or explaination, fine they have every right to do so, and i see that they ban/suspend people alot and SEEM to have rigid rules where they dont hold exceptions...

BUT CZAR called an attack on me representing thier board... even CZAR acknowledged that the attack he called was overboard in a later PM he sent to people to 'call off the attack' I think its in his icon message too... stand down, relax or something like that...

...and again your annon, so i have to be suspect of your intentions...

I still have yet to be contacted by any admins (directly, not under the veil of annon) or CZAR. Not an apology for the attack or asking me to site them, or not. I only get annon comments some claiming to be CZAR or hiding with the annon....

this is all i am going to say right now about this..

Anonymous said...

wow i should spell check before i publish